Video or Article: Case Study

Platform Adoption Case Study Example

Because SuccessPro helps to identify advisor readiness (defined as: will, skill, and capacity) we were able to help our client assess their advisors to pinpoint who would be ideal to adopt this new piece of financial planning technology. As a result of their program, they saw a 66% increase in the number of firms offering […]

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Advisor Retention Case Study Example

Because SuccessPro identifies unique opportunities for each advisor, it truly helps to unlock their maximum potential in reaching all their business goals. And we know when you help an advisor reach their goals, they remain happy clients. We don’t have to tell you how important advisor retention is. In today’s competitive recruiting landscape, having a […]

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Organic Growth Case Study Example

Because SuccessPro identifies unique opportunities for each advisor, it truly helps to unlock their maximum potential in reaching all their business goals. The proof is in the data.  Below are the results of a group of typical SuccessPro™ users. On average they experience 2x the growth as those not using the platform. 

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